When I was in Nashville a few weeks back, I asked a clerk about the tax rate after my order rang up. He told me what it was and then asked where I was from:
Me: "Well, I am from Vermont, but just came from California."
Him: "Is Vermont near California?"
Me: Speechless, smiling, saying thank you and walking away trying not to make a face.
I made a phone call this morning confirming an appointment. The staff person on the phone asked me what my name was:
Me: "Diane Peacock"
Her: (spelling it out...) "Is that P,e,a,c,o,k,e?"
Me: "No Ma'am, it's P,e,a,c,o,c,k."
Me: Raising eyebrows and making faces on the other side of the phone.
In the adventure that's next in life, in job interviews, meetings- other, it's good to know that I might be at least one step ahead of some, simply based on the fact that I know that Vermont is not anywhere
near California, and I can spell peacock. (I can knit too- watch out!) Did I mention I have also been asked which state is Vermont in? Between that and the comment I overheard someone making once that "Vermont is in one of those states, like New England"-I don't think have anything to worry about.
It's always good to have a good laugh in your day.
This one is dedicated to you Camilla~
Girl...we have
nothing to worry about. They might even vote us in as Co-Presidents soon because we are so brilliant :)